

体验式生活机会 are unique residential environments that foster growth and development through targeted programmatic and staff supported efforts.

These living opportunities are centered around a common set of values or ideals and are provided to those interested in connecting with other students with similar interests or backgrounds. Some of these living opportunities require a contractual agreement aimed at upholding community standards and peer accountability, 和/或对参与有期望.

如果你有兴趣提出2024-25年的体验生活机会 提交提案.


返校学生需在3月1日上午8点前更新个人信息.m. 如果你更新了你的ELO对女性领导力的偏好, 在3月1日至3月11日期间,Gender Inclusive和/或无物质, email housing@powerorigin.net 要手动添加到这些房间选择过程中. 如果你是其他团体的一员,比如荣誉, 1804 Scholars and LINKS your participation in the program will be communicated to Housing by your program coordinator.

入学的一年级学生需要在5月6日上午8点之前更新个人信息.m. 如果你更新了你的ELO对女性领导力的偏好, Gender Inclusive, 5月6日至5月15日之间的新冒险和/或Substance Free, email housing@powerorigin.net 要手动添加到这些房间选择过程中. 如果你是其他团体的一员,比如荣誉, 1804 Scholars, Fine Arts and LINKS your participation in the program will be communicated to Housing by your program coordinator.


1804 Scholars : Gender Inclusive住房 : Pride : Substance Free : 女性领导

LINKS : Honors Halls : 新的冒险 : Residential Learning Communities

1804 Scholars

1804奖学金是一个住宿项目,要求所有一年级学生住在博伊德宿舍.  二年级学生可以选择返回博伊德学院,但不是必须的.  位于West Green, 博伊德·霍尔是以newbb电子平台第一位女毕业生的名字命名的, 玛格丽特·博伊德(1873届), 并设有全新的West Nest活动区和West Green的the District餐厅. 自行车道、体育设施和贝克中心都在博伊德大厅的步行距离之内. 这个社区将帮助你分享经验, 建立社区, 并在你作为1804学者开始你的学术生涯时建立终身的友谊.


学生人数: 第一年/第二年

Gender Inclusive住房

Gender Inclusive住房 options focus on providing rooms across campus where students can live in the same room with any student - regardless of sex, gender, 性别认同/表达式, 或者性取向.

Gender inclusive rooms can be found in various halls across campus and the rooms are strategically intermixed alongside male and female rooms. Typically gender inclusive rooms are in close proximity to our single user bathrooms which are individual standalone bathrooms and do not have a specific gender designation. Gender Inclusive rooms outside of the Pride Experiential Living Opportunity in Hoover House do not have any additional GIH/Pride programming focus to their living experience.

To have the opportunity to match with different gender roommates and to view available Gender Inclusive住房 spaces during room selection you will need to 更新您的“个人信息”选项卡 住房自助服务

Gender Inclusive住房常见问题


学生人数: 第一年/第二年


骄傲体验生活机会是一个女同性恋者, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Ally, Queer (et. al) identifying students can feel safe and supported in their living environment without the consideration of their gender identity, 性别表达, 和/或性取向. This community will give students the ability to have a space where they are free to be themselves while supporting and getting support from their peers.

The Resident Advisor for this experience will work closely with the Resident Director of the building and the Director of the Pride Center to create a living experience that is safe, comfortable, and engaging. Collectively, 规划工作将以居民的利益为重点, LGBTQ issues, 社区参与. A mod-style living experience will encourage a close and open community and all spaces on the Pride floor are gender inclusive.

Gender Inclusive住房常见问题



Substance Free

The Substance Free Living Opportunity is a residential environment for students who have made a conscious lifestyle choice for substance free living. 无物质住房的所有居民承诺保持他们的生活环境无酒精, drugs, 烟草制品.

能够查看这个大厅的可用空间以进行房间选择, 更新您的“个人信息”选项卡 住房自助服务 选择之前.




妇女领导生活机会是国内和国际女学生的家园. 福格特的居民努力建立一个强大的, 在这个包容的社区里,女性可以一起成长和发展,成为强大的女性领导者. Voigt is an energetic and creative community for women who want to create lasting friendships and positive experiences. 女性专用住房社区的居民同意关于男性访客的具体规定. 男性客人可以参观福格特大厅,但禁止在大厅过夜.

能够查看这个大厅的可用空间以进行房间选择, 更新您的“个人信息”选项卡 住房自助服务 选择之前.

Location: Voigt Hall (East Green)



The LINKS living opportunity is designed for first and second year multicultural students who are part of the LINKS program. 与多元化和包容性司建立伙伴关系, this living opportunity focuses on promoting opportunities for first year students of color to develop connections with other students in the LINKS program while building skills in well-being, engagement, 和领导能力, 来支持他转到newbb电子平台. 该项目将为多元文化中心的工作人员提供个性化的同伴指导和建议, 还有专门的课程,为学生的领导能力提供信息和准备, scholarship, 以及newbb电子平台newbb电子及其他地方的专业发展机会.


  1. Visit the LINKS webpage 有关该计划的更多信息
  2. 选择Sign Up For LINKS按钮并完成相关调查
  3. Utilize MyOHIORoomie to find a potential roommate by list LINKS in your profile and selecting the question that says you are interested in the LINKS program
  4. 你需要在5月6日晚上11点59分之前申请这个项目.m. 要符合资格

Location: Gamertsfelder Hall (East Green)


Honors Hall


位于东绿地, Gamertsfelder Hall houses a number of students from the Honor's Tutorial College (HTC) and other university scholarship programs (see list below). 大厅设有多个学习和社区空间,供学生阅读, 与项目小组会面, or just relax. The hall hosts visiting scholars who are encouraged to interact with students both informally and through planned engagements. Gamertsfelder Hall酒店位于杰斐逊市场附近, Earl's Coop, 教育学院, 和美术学院综合大楼. 步行即可到达雅典市中心和College Green. 要了解更多关于这个社区的信息,请访问 荣誉辅导学院宿舍页面.


Location: Gamertsfelder Hall (East Green)



新冒险是newbb电子平台的户外迎新项目. 校外体验将在你在俄亥俄的第一年开始之前进行. Student trip leaders will help you learn how to participate in one of three weeklong expeditions into the back country. Students of 新的冒险 will be able to select into the same building as other 新的冒险 participants to allow for continued community even after you have returned from the trip! 

新冒险的注册截止日期待定. 了解更多并申请


学生人数: First Year

Residential Learning Communities

Residential Learning Communities (RLC) are formal course groupings for students that offer a residential component to merge academic exploration with on-campus living. RLC的学术组成部分通过 大学学院的学习社区计划它还提供大量的非住宅学习社区. 住房和居住生活 works in collaboration with University College to enhance the academic component of RLC with the opportunity for community growth and development within our residence halls.


The Fine Arts RLC offers unique academic and creative opportunities for students from a variety of Fine Arts interests; including dance, music, theater, and art. Within the RLC, 有多种“体验艺术”的学术选择, providing linked courses for students with the benefit of rehearsal and studio space within their living space. 林肯大厅设有舞厅和艺术工作室, 音乐和电脑休息室, 灵活的多用途空间. 林肯大厅位于普特南街对面, Glidden, 和Seigfred Halls, 美术学院的代表学校在哪里. Visit the 美术学习社区页面 有关服务于RLC的教职员工的信息, 学术服务, 并看到参与者和项目设施的照片.


参加 Army ROTC RLC 会住在西格林的会议中心吗. The Army ROTC learning community supports academic exploration 社区参与 for Army ROTC students. 这个学习型社区小组只接受小组指挥官的邀请.

转学生社区:亚当斯 & Bromley Halls 

参加 Transfer Student Community will live in Adams Hall on South Green or Bromley Hall on West Green. The Transfer Student Community supports community engagement for students who are transferring or relocating to OHIO for the upcoming fall semester. 这个社区将把学生和校园连接起来, 给雅典社区, 以及居住环境中的其他人. 欲了解更多转学生社区信息和申请,请访问 第一年和学生过渡网页.

转学生也可以访问或 transfer page 有关住房的更多选择和细节.