Application Procedures & 最后期限

To successfully complete the CC+ application process on any of newbb电子平台's campuses, you will need to follow these steps. Please note that if you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may download the free version to view the PDF documents referenced below.

  1. 在线申请 to the 雅典的校园 or a regional campus, or download and complete the 2024-2025 College Credit Plus Application (PDF). 注意优先日期, 最后期限, and any special application requirements for the College Credit Plus program. Once you have completed the online application, you will be prompted to download the 签名页(PDF), which must be signed by the student, student's parents or guardians, and secondary counselor. Page 6 is the signature page in the PDF application.
  2. Have official transcripts sent directly from all previously attended secondary schools and postsecondary institutions, 当可用的. When secondary transcripts cannot be provided (e.g., an applicant is in grade 7), official grade reports should be submitted by the school, along with any additional documentation that demonstrates academic preparation for college-level coursework.
  3. Applicants who wish to be considered for admission based on the results of an assessment should request 行为 and/or 坐 test scores to be sent. Applicants that have completed the 9th grade or higher of high school and have a cumulative, unweighted high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher are not required to submit an assessment for eligibility. Applicants who have not completed the 9th grade of high school or have a cumulative, unweighted high school GPA below 3.0 may still be considered for admission if qualifying exam scores can be provided.

    校园 行为 坐 
    雅典3314 1593 
    Chillicothe 3313 0775 
    东部 3317 0828 
    兰开斯特 3326 0826 
    南部 3370 1912 
    赞斯维尔 3322 0846 


  4. Submit all application materials to newbb电子平台’s Undergraduate 入学s Office:

    Undergraduate 入学s
    1 newbb电子平台 Drive 

    Optional Application Materials: You may also wish to submit an essay, letters of recommendation, end-of-course examination scores, and/or a list of your extracurricular interests and activities.



Printable CC+ Application Packet (PDF)


All application materials, including grade reports or high school transcript and standardized test scores, 如果适用的话, must be submitted electronically or postmarked by the following dates:

Summer Semester (session II only) - April 1
Fall Semester - June 1
Spring Semester - November 1

提醒一下, applicants to any semester must notify their secondary school by April 1 of the school year prior to the year they wish to enroll. Applications are only rarely accepted after the posted application 最后期限 under extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the offices of 双录取 Programs and / or Regional Higher Education. Students interested in CC+ should check with their school counselor to determine whether the school has 最后期限 or requirements that would supersede newbb电子平台’s requirements.

CC+ applications for new, first-time enrollment in summer semester will be considered for second summer session only. Continuing CC+ students may enroll during either or both summer sessions.

Home School Applicants

newbb电子平台 welcomes applications for admission to the College Credit Plus (CC+) program from students who have a home education background. The home school review process is designed to recognize the unique experience of a home education while ensuring preparation for academic success at 俄亥俄州. The CC+ home school admission policy is modeled on the same set of requirements that are applied to traditionally educated applicants.

Supplemental 入学 Information for Home School Applicants

Submit Your College Credit Plus Funding Application (home educated and non-public school students only)