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Tuition and Fees

]Course Fees 2023-24 [PDF]

Room and Board RatesRegistrar Fees

Fee Assessment Information

学期费用包括教学费用和一般费用. 学费和收费标准可在 the Office of the Bursar. 这个数字不包括课程费用,这些费用列在 Course Offerings. newbb电子平台保留做出决定的权利, without prior notice, 任何可能需要的费用调整.


I. Campus


II. Course Load

Standard fees are charged when an undergraduate student schedules 12 or more semester hours and a graduate student schedules nine or more semester hours. Part-time fees are charged when an undergraduate student schedules fewer than 12 semester hours and a graduate student fewer than nine semester hours. An Extra-Hour fee is charged for each hour beyond 20 semester hours for undergraduate students and 18 semester hours for graduate students.

III. 学生(研究生或本科生)的水平与课程的水平无关

Undergraduate students may not schedule graduate-level courses unless they are admitted to a special program for this purpose. 选修本科课程的研究生要交研究生费.

IV. 学生的住所分类

居民费用和非居民费用之间的差异是非俄亥俄州居民的州外附加费. Petitions for change of residency must be submitted to either Undergraduate Admissions or the Graduate College prior to the last day to register for class for the term you wish reclassification.

V. Course Fees

除了教学费用和一般费用外,还要评估课程费用. 具体课程的课程费用列在 Course Offerings.

VI. Insurance

Ohio University requires that all domestic students taking five or more semester hours and all international students taking one or more semester hours carry medical insurance if they are enrolled on the Athens campus. An accident and sickness insurance plan designed to supplement the care provided by the Student Health Service is automatically billed to all students meeting this guideline. 国内学生可以填写豁免声明,如果他们有类似的保险. 选择退出学生健康保险的截止日期列在 Academic Calendar . 弃权书可以通过 MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO. International students on all campuses must carry the Ohio University Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan unless they are eligible for a waiver. 如果国际学生有资格获得豁免, the student must apply for the waiver at the 国际学生学者服务办公室(ISSS) by the deadline stated above.

事故和疾病保险计划也适用于家属. International students are required to purchase the Ohio University policy for their dependent spouses and children. 家属的登记卡可在校园护理保险办公室获得. 保险费是不可退还的费用.

区域校区学生应联系其区域校区学生服务办公室获取入学信息. 地区校区的学生不会自动加入保险计划. 地区校区的学生必须注册9个或更多学时才有资格.

有关newbb电子平台学生伤病保险计划的更多信息, contact Campus Care, 740.597.1816, 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m., Monday–Friday.

VII. WellBeing Fee*

福利费是一项大学折扣计划,帮助患者通过以下方式减少选择服务的费用 辅导及心理服务 (CPS). Students, 谁不包括在保证学费计划中, are automatically charged the Wellbeing fee of $45 each semester if they are registered for one or more credit hour through specific programs. 查看有关福利费用覆盖范围的更多信息. 选择退出这项服务的截止日期列在 Academic Calendar. 弃权书可以通过 MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO. 如果选择不支付福利费,每学期必须提交一份豁免书. Students enrolled in the Guaranteed Tuition Plan do not pay this additional fee; therefore, they are not included in this waiver.


VIII. Student Legal Service Fee

学生法律服务中心(CSLS)完全由这笔费用支持. 所有newbb电子的学生都自动收取学生法律服务费. Remember, 只要12美元,你就可以与律师交谈并获得建议, information, and free mediation referrals.

区域校区的学生不符合这项服务的资格, 但多校区学生可能符合条件. 如果学生在newbb电子和地区校区上课, it is the student's responsibility to have his/her home campus code changed to Athens to be eligible for this service. 学生必须联系注册服务中心, first floor, Chubb Hall, 或地区校园学生服务办公室有校园代码更改.

与学生健康保险计划不同,CSLS费用必须每学期处理. 所有newbb电子的学生每学期都要收费并注册. 选择退出这项服务的截止日期列在 Academic Calendar . 弃权书可以通过 MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO.


IX. Technology Fee**

几所大学向学生收取技术费用. Students with majors in one or more of those colleges will be assessed a fee for computing and other types of technology (regardless of schedule). 通过访问可获得详细信息 the Office of the Bursar. Students who are being charged a technology fee for a college where they are no longer pursing a degree should contact that college to officially drop the program. 研究生应与研究生院联系. 申请应在学期第二周结束前提出.


X. Zanesville Security Fee


XI. 学生信息和网络费用***

学生信息和网络费用每学期进行评估. 每个学生每学期的费用为33美元,为学生评估的标准费用. For more information, visit the Office of the Bursar.


Semester Registration

Financial aid awards will display in MyOHIO Student Center.  所有财政援助接受者必须在截止日期之前支付余额. Account balance notifications for newly incurred charges are emailed at the beginning of each month and are due on the 21st of the month. 在到期日之前未收到的款项将产生1英镑的滞纳金.5%.

Payment/Due Date

学期费用的初始到期日可以通过访问找到 Account Balances 浏览财务司司长办公室的网页. 

Payment Plan

如果你希望分期支付学期费用,你可以注册一个 Payment Plan 浏览财务司司长办公室的网页.

Payment Method

有关付款方式的更多信息,请访问 Payment Methods 浏览财务司司长办公室的网页.

Late Registration Penalty

本学期第二周的星期五之后不允许注册. 如有逾期登记的情况, students who are in attendance by the Friday of the second week of the semester but fail to complete any registration procedures must pay a $150.追溯性注册更正罚款00美元.*


Financial Aid Refund Information

I. Refund of Housing Charges

See 房屋合约条款及条件 有关房屋费用的退款时间表.

II. 减少注册费——退学和退课

被大学正式取消, 在第一天上课前放弃所有课程, 学生有权享受100%的学费减免. Official withdrawal between the first day of the semester and the Friday of the second week of the semester entitles the student to an 80 percent reduction of tuition and fees. 在学期第二周的星期五之后,没有减少学费和其他费用.

如果学生在完成全额学费支付之前退学, 按退款规定确定的金额,视为对学校欠债. Dropping a class between the first day of the semester and the Friday of the second week of the semester entitles a student to a 100 percent reduction if the reduction places the student in a lower fee category. 在学期第二周的星期五之后放弃的所有课程将不会导致费用变化. 更正注册导致学时增加可能会增加学费.

III. 减免注册费用-灵活安排课程

灵活安排的课程是指在整个学期中不上课的课程. Therefore, the last day to add, drop, 或者退课日期可能不同于表格中所列的日期 Academic Calendar. 可以查看添加、删除和撤回的截止日期 Course Offerings. 联系大学注册办公室,查布大厅,740.593.4324,或当地校园学生服务办公室了解更多信息.

IV. 财政援助接受者的退出政策

Federal Student Aid

Students receiving aid from Title IV programs who withdraw or stop attending all classes for their enrollment period are subject to U.S. 教育部的联邦返还第四章基金计算. 该法案涵盖的第四章项目包括:联邦佩尔助学金, Federal Direct Student Loan, PLUS and Grad PLUS Loans, 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOGs), and Federal Perkins Loan.

The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined on a prorata basis based on the date of withdrawal or last date of attendance reported on the grade report. For example, 如果你完成了30%的付款期或注册期, 你可以获得原计划援助的30%. 一旦您完成了注册付款期的60%以上, 你获得了你在这段时间内预定得到的所有帮助.

当你退学时,对第四章项目资金的要求与newbb电子平台的退款政策是分开的. 因此,您可能仍欠资金以支付未付的机构费用. 你也可能被收取newbb电子平台要求返还的任何第四章项目资金. See General Information: Payment/Due Date: Refund Information for more details.

State of Ohio Aid

Policies for the return for State of Ohio aid when a student withdraws are determined by the Ohio Board of Regents.

Institutional Grants



如果你获得了由传统学院骨科医学奖学金组成的经济援助, 贫困学生奖学金, Loans for Disadvantaged Students, Primary Care Loans, or other non-Title IV aid, 你必须遵守学校的特殊政策. 如果你在学期的前两周内正式退学, 100%的奖学金将退还给相应的项目. 在学期的前两周之后, 100%的奖学金资金将留在你的学生账户上.

Enrollment Status

If you are receiving financial aid, a change in your enrollment status or your withdrawal from the University may result in you having to repay programs from which you received financial assistance. In addition, 在资金返还给经济援助计划后,你可能欠大学的费用.

A student is not eligible for a refund until all Federal Title IV programs and other grants and scholarships are reimbursed as required and all outstanding balances with the University have been cleared.

V. 留学生退学政策

国际学生(F-1或J-1身份)必须与学校的指导老师见面 国际学生学者服务办公室(ISSS) 在退出所有课程或低于全日制入学率之前.


Full-time enrollment is 12 semester hours for undergraduate students and nine semester hours for graduate students. Undergraduate students must be registered full time (at least 12 semester hours) to receive the maximum amount of any grant. Most Ohio University Athens campus undergraduate scholarship recipients must be registered for at least 15 semester hours per semester and earn at least 30 semester hours for the academic year. Federal Direct Student, PLUS , and Grad PLUS Loan recipients must be registered at least half time (six undergraduate semester hours or five graduate semester hours) to receive these loans. Aid recipients registered for less than full-time enrollment may be eligible to receive a proportionately adjusted award amount for certain aid programs.

Financial Aid Credits

可以newbb电子到您的帐户的经济援助学分包括:联邦佩尔助学金, 俄亥俄州大学机会补助金(OCOG), 联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOG), TEACH Grant, Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Direct Student , PLUS , and Grad PLUS Loans, Ohio University Grants, newbb电子平台和企业奖学金, 外部机构奖学金(在大学收到捐款支票并存入后申请). 如果您已被选中进行验证, no disbursements of federal, state, 除非收到并处理了所有要求的文件,否则将不予机构援助. 联邦勤工俭学奖学金不会记入你的账户. 这些资金每两周以工资支票或直接存款的形式发放, 根据你在那个工资期的工作时间.

Financial Aid Refunds

Financial aid awards that exceed the amount you owe to the University will be disbursed to you as a "refund(s)" during the semester if you have satisfied the eligibility requirements for each award (i.e., enrolled for sufficient hours, 达到令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准, not in default on Title IV Loan, etc.)

有关退款和重要日期的更多信息,请参阅 Refunds 浏览财务司司长办公室的网页.


Federal Student Aid

Students receiving aid from Title IV programs who withdraw or stop attending all classes for their enrollment period are subject to U.S. 教育部的联邦返还第四章基金计算. 该法案涵盖的第四章项目包括:联邦佩尔助学金, Federal Direct Student Loan, PLUS and Grad PLUS Loans, 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOGs), and Federal Perkins Loan.

The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined on a prorata basis based on the date of withdrawal or last date of attendance reported on the grade report. For example, 如果你完成了30%的付款期或注册期, 你可以获得原计划援助的30%. 一旦您完成了注册付款期的60%以上, 你获得了你在这段时间内预定得到的所有帮助.

当你退学时,对第四章项目资金的要求与newbb电子平台的退款政策是分开的. 因此,您可能仍欠资金以支付未付的机构费用. 你也可能被收取newbb电子平台要求返还的任何第四章项目资金. See Payment/Due Date: Refund Information for more details.

State of Ohio Aid

Policies for the return for State of Ohio aid when a student withdraws are determined by the Ohio Board of Regents.

Institutional Grants



如果你获得了由传统学院骨科医学奖学金组成的经济援助, 贫困学生奖学金, Loans for Disadvantaged Students, Primary Care Loans, or other non-Title IV aid, 你必须遵守学校的特殊政策. 如果你在学期的前两周内正式退学, 100%的奖学金将退还给相应的项目. 在学期的前两周之后, 100%的奖学金资金将留在你的学生账户上.

Enrollment Status

If you are receiving financial aid, a change in your enrollment status or your withdrawal from the University may result in you having to repay programs from which you received financial assistance. In addition, 在资金返还给经济援助计划后,你可能欠大学的费用.

A student is not eligible for a refund until all Federal Title IV programs and other grants and scholarships are reimbursed as required and all outstanding balances with the University have been cleared.