
The 个人跨学科项目 (IIP) is housed in the 研究生学院 and is designed as a home for those M.A., M.S., Ph值.D. 学生 whose academic and research interests might be best served by an interdisciplinary graduate degree. The ideal prospective student is an individual with demonstrated ability and intellectual maturity. 作为IIP学生要求被研究生院录取, 在某种程度上, 申请人确定至少两(2)个重点领域, 每个人都在不同的部门, 学校, 或程序. 至少有一个部门, 学校, 或者课程必须提供所寻求的学位水平的研究生学位.e.硕士学位为硕士生,博士学位为博士.D. 学生). 另一个部门, 学校, 学生的IIP所涉及的项目必须, 至少, offer graduate-level coursework and ideally should be a graduate degree-granting program.


联系人:博士. Krisanna Machtmes, IIP研究生主任 machtmes@俄亥俄州.edu


Ph.D. 学生必须完成学士学位以外至少90个学期的学分, 每个重点领域至少包括四(4)门课程(12学分). At least 2 of these courses (6 credits) must provide depth of knowledge in the field and at least two of these courses (6 credit hours) must provide breadth of knowledge. 此外,学生必须完成一个最终项目(论文,表演等).)获指导委员会接纳. The graduate chairs in the respective emphasis areas/disciplines will determine which courses provide depth of knowledge and which provide breadth of knowledge.


Each student will have a 指导委员会 composed of members of his/her participating departments, 学校, 或程序. This committee must be constituted by the end of the student’s first term in the program. The committee must have at least three faculty members from at least two different emphasis areas/disciplines, 并将负责准备项目要求, 定期检查学生的学习进度, 举办综合考试(如有), 指导最终项目或论文.

Any faculty member at newbb电子平台 with a doctorate or comparable terminal degree (e.g., M.F.A.)可参与和/或主持国际知识产权指导委员会. The procedural rules for degree completion from the primary academic support unit will apply to the IIP student, e.g.、外部代表人数等. 单位对内容的要求(如.g.(必修课)不适用,因为这些是由IIP的学习课程决定的.


申请博士学位.D. degree must have earned an advanced or professional degree from an accredited institution of higher education and achieved at least a 3.研究生平均绩点25分或同等水平.


Master’s 学生 must complete at least 36 semester credits beyond the bachelor’s degree, 每个重点领域包括四(4)门课程(12学分). At least two of these courses (6 credit hours) must provide depth of knowledge in the field and at least two of these courses (6 credit hours) must provide breadth of knowledge. 此外,学生必须完成一个期末项目(论文、表演等).)获学生指导委员会接纳. The procedural rules for degree completion from the student’s primary academic support unit will determine whether there is a non-thesis option (e.g.(综合考试选项)完成硕士学位. The graduate chairs in the respective emphasis areas/disciplines will determine which courses provide depth of knowledge and which provide breadth of knowledge.


Each student will have a 指导委员会 composed of members of his/her participating departments, 学校, 或程序. This committee must be constituted by the end of the student’s first term in the program. The committee must have at least three faculty members from at least two different emphasis areas/disciplines, 并将负责准备项目要求, 定期检查学生的学习进度, and administering comprehensive examinations and/or directing the Master’s thesis or final project.

Any faculty member at newbb电子平台 with a doctorate or comparable terminal degree (e.g., M.F.A.)可参与和/或主持国际知识产权指导委员会. The procedural rules for degree completion from the primary academic support unit will apply to the IIP student, e.g., number of outside representatives, the existence of a non-thesis option at the Master's level, etc. 单位对内容的要求(如.g.(必修课)不适用,因为这些是由IIP的学习课程决定的. 


申请M的申请人.A. 或米.S. degree must have an earned bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education and have achieved at least a 3.0本科平均绩点(GPA)或同等学历.


递交申请前, 建议未来的学生与IIP主任会面:博士. Krisanna Machtmes (machtmes@俄亥俄州.edu), IIP研究生主任,博士. 国际知识产权署助理署长刘德华(raya@俄亥俄州.edu).



1. 一份三到五页的项目建议书,包括:

  • An explanation of why none of the related existing degrees meet the student’s educational and professional objectives.
  • 暂定的研究领域/重点领域,包括建议的课程
  • 目标说明
  • 未来指导委员会成员


2. 研究生主任支持信

A letter of support provided by each of the 研究生 Directors of the cooperating programs/departments/学校 that will constitute the primary fields of study. 主任应在学位提案中认可所建议的课程.


3. 准指导委员会成员信

每位潜在指导委员会成员的支持信. These letters commit the faculty members to be the initial advisors of record for the applicant.


4. 一般推荐信



5. 非英语母语者也必须提交官方 英语水平 分数.


6. 所有以前的学术工作成绩单


另外, 未来的学生应该咨询部门的网站, 学校, 或程序 that will serve as their emphasis areas and provide any additional materials (e.g., 写作样本, 这些部门要求的额外推荐信, 学校, 或程序.


如果你是一个全职的俄亥俄管理员或教员,请参阅 研究生目录 查阅有关利益冲突的政策.

Students admitted to an IIP degree cannot concurrently pursue any additional graduate or undergraduate degree.



*International 学生 who require an I-9 or DS-2019 are advised to submit all materials no later than January 30 for fall and September 30 for spring.



If an applicant intends to seek possible financial support from one or more of his/her cooperating academic disciplines, we strongly encourage that materials be submitted by the cooperating discipline's funding priority deadlines. 咨询该学科的网站获取信息. 



M.A. 和M.S. 学生 必须保持最少3个.0的GPA才能继续这个项目. Masters 学生 should complete their coursework by the end of their second year of full-time study or by the end of their third year of part-time study. Master's 学生 must present the results of a research project and/or creative activity at an academic or professional conference prior to the end of their third year, 如果是全日制学生, 或者第四年, 如果是兼职学生. 如果通过综合考试完成学位, the examination must be completed by the end of the semester following the completion of coursework. The student’s 指导委员会 will determine credit hours required for the thesis or final project in conjunction with the requirements of the primary academic support unit.

Ph.D. 学生 必须保持最少3个.25分才能继续这个项目. Ph.D. 学生 should complete their coursework by the end of their third year of full-time study in the program or by the end of their fifth year of part-time study in the program, 以及他们的综合考试, 如果他们参与的项目有要求的话, 在完成课程作业后的学期末. 全职Ph值.D. 学生 must present the results of their research or creative activities at an academic or professional conference by the end of their third year in the program, and should submit the results of their research or creative activities for peer review and publication to an appropriate journal or publishing house by the end of their fourth year in the program. 兼职博士.D. 学生, these dates will be adjusted to align with their progress on course completion. The 指导委员会 will determine credit hours required for the dissertation in conjunction with the requirements of the primary academic support units.
